Building Procedures

No Backpacks

Students  will not be allowed to carry backpacks or bring them into the classroom. All academic equipment will be provided. If a student does need to carry a small bag, then it will need to be clear and see through. If a student does bring a backpack, it will need to be checked  and stay in the office for the duration of the school day.

Electronic Devices

Students will be provided with a chromebook as needed to use for the academic school year and will be checked in and out on a daily basis. 

Any other device needed to complete an assignment will be provided by the school. If a device is brought to school, it must be checked into the office at the beginning of the day. Students that bring an electronic device and do not check it into the office will incur disciplinary action.

**Students that refuse to check electronics will incur disciplinary action for insubordination

Cell Phones 

Students are not allowed to have phones in their possession during the school day. If a student brings a cell phone, they will be required to check it into the office in the morning. The phones will be returned at the end of the school day. Students that bring cell phones and do not check them into the office will incur disciplinary action. 

**Students that refuses to check electronics will incur disciplinary action for insubordination


The Board of Education expects student dress and grooming to be neat, clean and in good taste so that each student may share in promoting a positive, healthy and safe atmosphere within the school district. Student dress and grooming will be the responsibility of the individual and parents/guardians, within the following guidelines:  

1. Dress and grooming will be clean and in keeping with health, sanitary and safety requirements. Gang related colors, tags, symbols or apparel is not permitted.
2. All students must wear shoes, boots or other types of footwear.
3. Any apparel, jewelry, accessories or manner of grooming containing vulgar words or images of profanity or that advocates drug use, tobacco or alcohol is deemed inappropriate and is forbidden.  Face painting, writing or drawing on skin are not allowed in school.
4. Students will be permitted to wear shorts or skirts that reach their mid-thigh and remain there.  No holes in clothing, cut or torn which exposed skin or undergarments above the mid-thigh are permitted.
5. Shirts must extend to at least the top of the student’s pants, skirts or shorts.  Inappropriate clothing examples are spaghetti straps and dresses that show abdominal skin, underwear or private areas, ripped or torn clothing.  Pants will be worn appropriately, not below the waistline.
6. Shirts must have a sleeve.  (Applicable to middle school and high school students.) No skin shall be visible on the midriff; this includes both the standing and sitting positions.
7. Undesirable or vulgar dress apparel may not be worn at school or at functions.
8. Overly bulky or overly loose clothing, including coats and backpacks that may conceal a weapon or have been used to establish affiliation with groups or gangs whose activities involving intimidation, violence or other illegal activities will not be permitted at school or school activities due to their disruptive nature on the school climate and educational process.
9. Coats, hats, caps, and hoods and other headwear must be removed by students when entering the building.
10.  Dress and grooming will not disrupt the educational environment.
11.  Class activities that present a concern for student safety may require the student to adjust hair and/or clothing during the class period in the interest of maintaining safety standards.
12.  Additional dress guidelines may be imposed upon students participating in certain extracurricular activities.

When, in the judgment of the principal, a student's appearance or mode of dress does not comply with the above criteria, the student may be required to make modifications. No employee or volunteer shall direct a student to remove an emblem, insignia or garment, including a religious emblem, insignia or garment, as long as it is worn in a manner that does not promote disruptive behavior. The administration will determine whether clothing is inappropriate. Teachers are expected to refer students who are in violation of the dress code to the office. The principal may temporarily isolate or suspend any student whose dress is prohibited by this dress code, but the student may be readmitted upon the correction of the problem. In the event the student is not reinstated by the morning following the infraction, the principal shall handle the matter as he/she would any other disruptive student. 

The administration reserves the right to determine whether the clothing is distracting, indecent or inappropriate to wear in the school environment and to refuse access to school facilities for  non-compliance with the above code and/or any case that may arise not specifically stated therein. 

Extracurricular Activities 

Students that are meeting the requirements for attendance, academics, and behavior may be eligible to attend school sponsored extracurricular activities. If any issues occur while at the event, the student loses the privilege to attend any extracurricular activities for the remainder of the school year.